Worried because you've lost some of your thinning hair? Well hair loss bald has a variety of causes and consequently there are numerous ways of treatment. Having lost hair the first thing to do is determine the reason why its , because it can be a symptom of somethings worse.
If You Are a balding Male
Hair Loss by genetics is mainly termed male pattern baldness, this is what cause thinning and balding hair. Most Male pattern baldness occurs slowly with thinning at the hair line and in the middle of the scalp. Males begin to notice the signs of male pattern baldness in early 20's, though it's more likely to occur at 40. How can you tell if you're going to lose your hair because of genetic causes? The main indicator is your actual grandfather, if he went bald early then look out because you are next.
There are other factors that can cause hair loss bald in men which aren't related to male pattern baldness. Chemotherapy cancer treatment is an obvious cause for hair loss in both men and women. However, it can also be caused by a stressful event, a sudden illness or certain medications. Other causes of hair loss in men are an iron deficiency or an underactive thyroid. If you're male and have begun to lose your hair, don't assume it's simply male pattern baldness. Always consult your doctor to make sure it's not something else causing your hair loss.
If You Are Female
While hair loss is distressing for men it is even worse if you are female. Because long thick hair has long been considered a sign of femininity over the years. The chief causes of hair loss in women is an immune disease called Alopecia Areata, this condition can affect men also but it is prevalent in women.
Hair loss resulting from a traumatic event such as surgery, illness, malnutrition, or extreme stress is Telogen Effluvium and this can effect males and females. This condition the stress on your body can causes your hair to suddenly shed.
Women with lost hair can also certain medications and treatments for cancer and thyroids to be the cause. With this type of causes your hair will eventually grow back after these problems are fixed.
What you can Do
If you experience hair loss and you are not sure why it is happening, the first thing you should do is make an appointment to see your doctor to determine whether you are suffering from a disease or deficiency. It is also important to make sure you are getting all of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body requires for optimal functioning.
There are some hair loss treatments you might like to try. Females should ask your doctor about taking a course of oral contraceptive pills containing the hormone estrogen, which increases hair growth. Males might want to ask your doctor about a medicine that is called Proscar. Also a topical solution called Minoxidil can be very effective. Only by trying various treatments and medications available will you discover what works.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Causes Of hair loss And How To Prevent It
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Hair Loss Treatments Facts
When it comes to your hair … or lack of it, don’t fall for the hype.
Feeling great about walking around without a ball cap on your head is something every balding person dreams about.Choosing the right hair loss product consists of many reasons why its important.Many products often say they stop hair loss when they really don't. You need to find a proven hair loss treatment if you want results.
Did you know that some hair loss treatments could have sexual side effects?
DHT, a by-product of testosterone, is produced by your body and is a contributing attribute to hair loss.Testosterone levels can be effected by some hair loss treatments.Natural hair loss treatments opposed to prescription drugs have fewer side effects and better results.
Procerin is proven to have excellent results in independent clinical testing.
Block the DHT that is stopping hair from growing in the right places by using the all natural, very effective proven hair loss treatment.Terminate the production of DHT by utilizing the natural power of the herbal supplement Procerin.
Actually working has made Procerin a top rated product.
This non-prescription miracle is scientifically engineered to not only stop hair loss but also to create new hair growth.To learn more about the remarkable success rate of stopping baldness visit this Procerin review.
Procerin vouches new hair growth with this proven hair loss treatment.
This company has complete confidence in there product. You have the guarantee of 90-days full refund if you aren’t satisfied with the results.This company has an exceptional customer service department, especially when compared to other companies.Balding and thinning hair can now be accomplished with a 100% natural cure.
Start your new hair growth promptly.
Procerin could have you sporting an impressive new crop for holiday parties and those New Year’s Eve formal affairs.Having hair can give you confidence even if you are just at home watching the ball rise.Don't miss any more hair waiting any longer.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Laser Hair Care Treatment For Hair Loss
There are many important issues to discuss when it comes to hair care and treatments, one of the most important of all being laser hair care. The most common use for laser hair care is to help with hair loss, as many people want hair removed off areas of their body such as the legs, back, and chest. Laser hair removal is very effective because unlike shaving which only removes the hair for a day or two, laser hair removal offers results that last months, often even permanent.
There are some great laser hair care services available out there these days, and the New Hair Institute is just one of many. They have been in business since 1992 and are truly a world leader in innovating hair transplant techniques, performing clinical research, and in teaching these various different techniques to the hair transplantation community.
Another excellent laser hair care provider is the TLC Dermal Laser Clinic, which is based in Vancouver. They have long been considered to be among the best hair removal professionals in the area. This treatment is very personal and treated in a professional and confidential manner at the centers.
The best idea, for anyone considering any sort of laser hair care procedure, is to speak to their doctor first. There will be qualified professionals at the laser hair care centers but speaking to your regular doctor first is recommended. There may be certain risks or dangers to the particular procedure.
The doctor will discuss any possible side effects with the person and work out the best options for them. For instance there are certain medications that are not safe to use when having a laser hair care treatment, so this will have to be brought to attention.
Before making any decisions for treatment, check out all other available options. There are many that do not involve lasers. We all want healthy beautiful hair and so making the right hair care decisions is important. Fortunately there are many great inexpensive hair loss treatments available so you can make the decision that is right for you.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Effective Hair Loss Treatment for Men
At around 50 years old, most men would have some kind of hair loss problem.Given such prevalence, about $1.0 billion is the yearly estimated expenditures on minimizing or reversing hair loss in men. In this article, we will discuss various hair loss product reviews, effectiveness, and preventative treatment for male pattern hair loss.
One most-common topical treatment ingredient for hair loss is Minoxidil, which is the main content of Rogaine.When loss of hair occures mostly on the frontal and vertex areas, Minoxidil is most effective as topical treatment solution.
Anti-androgens bind hair follicles to minimize hair fallout, so they can be effective as well agains tfurther hair loss.Nizoral shampoo uses anti-androgens as its main anti-hairfall agent.But antiandrogens are not over-the-counter product.
An ingestible treatment for hair loss is Finasteride which acts like a DHT inhibitor. Statistics indicate 90% of male users of Finasteride got positive results. Propecia contains Finasteride as its active ingredient.Because known as one cause of birth defects, Finasteride is deemed not for ingestion by women.
Copper peptides can also effective as topical treatment agent, as it shortens the rest phase of hair, so that there is more hair growing than is normal.
If all else fails, hair transplantation, the transfer of hair follicles from other parts of the body or scalp, may be resorted to.Some genetic factor will cause the transplanted follicles to continue producing hair, so balding will not happen again in the same scalp area.During these past years, hair transplantation techniques have improved markedly. Rather than using large plugs of hair, tiny swatches of 1 to 4 hairs can be used for a more natural effect.
Precention and treatment of male pattern hair loss can thus be eachieved in many ways.You can do some of them yourself, like
avoid excessively heating your hair when drying or curling it.
There are some simple home remedies that you can do to help prevent hair loss. Some at home methods that can be used include: avoiding excessive heating of the hair such as with a hair dryer or flat iron, over use of hair gel and hair spray should be avoided especially directly to the scalp, also avoid to much exposure to sun and high wind .
Friday, October 24, 2008
Methods You Can Use to Prevent Hair Loss
Hair loss is a condition that both affect men and women. Hair loss can affect people in numerous ways, it might simply be a receding hair line or it could be total baldness. Often hair loss can be a natural condition caused because of aging, there are still some cases of hair loss which are caused by improper care and hygiene, unhealthy diet, or by temporary reasons.
Just as there are several reasons for losing hair, the same goes with preventative measures. Some involve the use of products developed by man such as shampoos, conditioners, creams and even oral medication which are made particularly to solve the problem of thinning hair. Aside from these products, there are also other procedures which can be done but need to be carried out by those who are professionals. These include hair transplants and hair restoration surgical procedures. The ways to prevent hair loss can come in different forms too. Some treatments can be very expensive whilst others are very simple and should be followed by everyone for general health anyway. Here are some of the useful ways to prevent hair loss:
1. Avoid too much use of curling irons, hair color and dyes, and hot hairdryers as they damage the hair.
2. If tying your hair back make sure that you don't pull too tightly.
3. Make sure that the correct levels of calcium is included in your diet as calcium strengthens hair follicles.
4. A diet rich in nutrition, vitamins, and minerals contribute to healthy hair and skin.
The sad thing is that there are a number of scams out there where useless products are being sold to desperate people. Do your homework before trying any products as they could easily do more damage that good.If you feel lost and unsure regarding hair loss prevention then you should really talk to an expert in this matter before you go any further.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Treating Your Receding Hairline
Information on Hair Loss
Hair loss is a very common and often serious problem, one that affects men and women around the world. Shedding 50 to 100 hairs a day is normal and not problematic, but once you are losing more than that and noticing bald spots on your head, you probably have a hair loss problem.
Unusual hair loss can be due to a number of causes, but a few of the most frequent factors responsible are genetics, stress, and depression.
High fever and serious infection are other reasons you could be losing your hair, and if you have had a high fever for a long time or is you have had major surgery, you can expect a fair amount of hair to fall out. The difference here is the loss of hair should only be temporary.
Inadequate protein in a diet may also result in hair loss, as some vegetarians and people who have severely abnormal eating habits may develop protein malnutrition which often results in hair thinning or loss. Massive hair loss can occur two to three months after they begin eating this way, but again this type of hair loss is temporary and the hair will regrow once they begin back on their regular diet.
If you are afflicted by balding and receding hairline , alopecia treatment is probably the best hair loss treatment. There's an array of different products available on the market today, and the most important thing is that you take some time to find the right one for you.
Rogaine is one of the hair loss treatments that most people are familiar with. It is very fast acting and effective, and definitely one of their hair loss products that should be at the top of your list. If you want to get the most out of Rogaine you will need to apply it correctly, twice a day, every single day.
It'll take two weeks for the Rogaine to start working, but bear in mind for the 1st few days or so you may experience more hair loss but this should not alarm you and so long as you continue using it you may notice a reverse in the hair loss inside 3-4 weeks. This is just one of the numerous treatments which are out there, and it may take you a while experimenting to achieve the results which you're looking for.
Bald Is Beautiful
Balding and receding hairline can seriously affect an individual's self esteem, but there are heaps of methods to deal with a receding hairline that may make you look fashionable and help revive confidence.
To find additional information on hair loss visit Men Hair Loss
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Alopecia Aromatherapy Recipe for Great Hair
Lots of people believe in the healing powers of a real alopecia aromatherapy recipe because it's essential oils have properties that have been used for over a thousand years to cure some of the most common ailments. Stress is often calmed with chamomile, clary sage and ylang ylang so it stands to reason that is would work well in the hair care recipe. Two of the more effective herbs used in an alopecia aromatherapy recipe are thyme and rosemary. They are soothing and usually work well, especially if the cause is hormone imbalance.
When it is time to mix up your alopecia aromatherapy recipe, you cannot use any essential oils directly onto your scalp. Rather, you must blend them with carrier oil as most essential oils should not be used straight onto skin. A few carrier oils that would work wonders with any essential oils are coconut oil, almond oil or even olive oil.
The majority of the alopecia aromatherapy recipes should be mixed in a container that will also be the applicator such like a squeeze or spray bottle. Doing it this way allows for the aromatherapy treatment to be applied directly to the scalp with less mess. You may stain clothing and some surfaces, if you're not careful, when mixing and applying essential oils.
Starting with a your bottle dispenser, pour about two ounces of the carrier oil of your choice along with 5 drops of ylang ylang, thyme and rosemary. An alopecia aromatherapy recipe consists of two drops of each of the following essential oils: lavender, thyme, chamomile, cedar wood and clay sage. The next step is to thoroughly mix the different essential oils together with the carrier oil and then test it on an inconspicuous spot on your skin to ensure no major breakouts occur.
All you need to do to kick start new hair growth with your alopecia aromatherapy recipe is massage a few drops onto your scalp so as to stimulate the hair roots. Because there are quite a few essential oils in the world, you should research a few others to see what their medicinal properties are and whether they would work.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Hair Loss Technique: Hair Cloning
Hair multiplication is a new type of medical technology that helps those who suffer from baldness and thinning hair have their hair restored. The process of cloning hair involves the production of hair follicle tissues that work both for adult animals and humans.
This new type of technology can be a completely new solution to the age-old problem of baldness and receding hairlines. The thinning of hair can be caused by several factors. These factors can be changes in hormones in the body, medical related, gland problems, pregnancy, and even genetic. People who endure reduced hair are usually in their late thirties or forties. In saying that there are those who have noticed receding hair when they are only in their twenties.
It is said that those who suffer from baldness have to deal with many emotions and psychological problems. An exapmple, a man losing his hair may feel less feel less attractive to the opposite sex. This, then, causes him to feel his morale go low and can have long term effects on how he views himself.
With the different kinds of medical technology such as hair cloning, people who suffer from hair loss can be given another chance. Numerous products and procedures are also available to conquer hair loss. Over-the-counter products such as hair shampoos and conditioners, hair oral medications can be of help. Medical and surgical procedures like hair transplant and hair cloning can also be done. Whatever the method, it is important to get the professional advice of hair specialists and doctors first.
Before you part with your hard earned cash, perhaps you need to also {thinkcarefully think} about whether or not regaining your hair will trully make you happy. There is no reason why baldness in men has to make you any less attractive or any less of a person. Of course in women this might be easier said than done.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Sudden Hair Loss - The Causes
Here are the two main reasons that a person suffers from sudden hair loss...it's their genes and it can also be due to stress. And yes, unfortunately women too can suffer from hair loss! if you've ever experienced hair coming out in clumps in your hairbrush or waking up in the morning to find a collection of hairs on your pillow, you'll know how hair loss can be really affecting.
It's also true that a sudden trauma can cause you to lose your hair. If you were involved in a serious accident or are recovering from surgery this could be a cause for your sudden loss of hair.
I found a way to combat my own hair loss in the herbal supplement provillus but more of that later. What are the other possible causes of hair loss?
Alopecia may be another reason that you're losing your hair. There is currently no known cure for alopecia and it's usually recognisable when the hair falls out in patches resulting in random bald spots on your head. You may have to visit a doctor to work out the exact reasons for your sudden hair loss but if it's just the usual hereditary hair loss...the bane of all men (and some women) well that can be taken care of.
I'm not talking about messy hair transplants either. You can now get an all natural substance which serves to restrict the flow of DHT in the body which we now know to be the cause of hair loss. I used it...nothing happened....I almost gave up and then...my ickle bits of hair started to grow back. Now my confidence has returned and, oh just go and read my provillus review - I think you'll like what you see...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Using Natural Cures for Hair Loss Takes Time
Having Issues with Hair Loss? You're not alone, many people struggle with hair loss and they seek a cure, how ever there is no natural cure for hair loss, only treatments.In the next few paragraphs I'm going to talk about how you can stop your hair loss and hopefully spark some regrowth, as well as address the question just how long it will take.
Treat Not Cure
The only effective cure for hair loss is to have a transplant.Realistically a hair transplant is no fun, and it is very expensive. How ever there are quite a few natural hair loss treatments you can use to stop your current hair loss, and depending on the product stimulate regrowth of some of the hair you've lost.
Most of these products work the same way, they block DHT from reaching the scalp which is the hormone that slows the growth stage of our hair. Once this hormone is blocked you will stop losing your hair. How ever this doesn't always mean you will see regrowth of the hair you lost.
Hair Loss Stopped then Regrow what you've lost
Once hair loss is stopped you can begin to concentrate on regrowth. DHT blockers that stop hair loss may supply some nutrients to the scalp to simulate dormant hair follicles, if not you will need either a hair loss supplement or some form of topical treatment that is designed to stimulate hair growth. If you do need to find another product I'd suggest you take some time doing research for the best hair loss treatments via consumer review and comparison sites.
How Long Does it Take?
It takes most people about two months to stop hair loss using a natural hair loss cure. You need to be sure you're consistent with using the treatment, other wise it could take longer or you won't see results at all. Most hair loss products suggest you try their treatment for at least that long to determine if it's working for you or not.
The regrowth stage can take longer. I'd expect to wait about 6 months before you see any significant regrowth in areas that you've lost hair.For the regrowth of hair to work your scalp and hair must still be in the growing stage, other wise you won't get any results.
This is true especially if you have a part of your scalp that is bald and has been that way for some time. Dormant hair follicles usually can't be brought back.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Hair Loss Treatment For Men
Whether you are a man or a woman, losing your hair can cause some serious problems in your life. More than anything it will end up causing you to lose a great deal of self confidence and self esteem, and so you are going to want to make sure that you take the proper steps to prevent hair loss in the first place.
If you end up losing hair, which the majority of people will eventually, then you are going to need to find appropriate treatment that is going to offer you the results you are looking for.
Hair Loss Treatment for Men
If you are a man and on the hunt for effective hair loss treatment for men, there are several products in particular that you should be interested in. One of the best products for hair loss treatment in men is Rogaine.
This is one of the most well known hair loss treatment for men products out there today, which is no surprise because it is so effective and fast acting.
If you are a man and have noticed that your hair is thinning, you should consider using Rogaine. This is the first product that is medically proven to prevent hereditary hair loss and stop it after it has begun.
There is also another hair loss treatment for men product definitely worth considering, and this is Procerin. If you are a man who is concerned about hair loss this product can help. It comes in a convenient tablet form and can be used daily for the treatment of male hair loss.
It is an all natural supplement that you can get without a prescription, and is effective not only in stopping hair loss but actually reversing it. It works by blocking DHT without reacting with testosterone as some similar prescription medications do. This medication is scientifically designed to help men retain and regrow their hair, a few of the active ingredients including all-natural herbal, vitamin and mineral DHT inhibitors. This is absolutely one of the most effective products of its kind on the market today.
On the other hand of course if you are a woman searching for hair loss in women products, know that you are going to need to use different products than described here, at least for the most part. Hair loss products are specially designed for either man or woman, and you need to be aware of this and cautious as to which products you are using.