Going bald? Are you showing more forehead every year? Are you a man looking to regrow your hair or are you a woman looking for that miracle female hair loss treatment? Men and women of all ages experience hair loss and for them it is no laughing matter. They want to stop the progression of the hair loss and they once more want a full head of hair and they often would prefer a natural hair loss treatment.
You can get confused when you start considering which of all the hair loss treatment products to try. There are shampoos, conditioners, creams, lotions, gels, vitamins, medications and much, much more. The market is full of natural hair loss treatment products. Hang on a second, you must be thinking.
Natural hair loss treatments would be great. They are made from all natural ingredients, they're good for the environment, they won't be introducing foreign chemicals into your body and they'll regrow your hair. All at the same time!?! Well, maybe and maybe not. There are lots of natural hair loss treatment products out there, and you will find great variability in effectiveness, with many not working at all.
Alternative Medicine
Some alternative medicines have been gaining acceptance recently. These are individuals who would rather use natural resources, supplements and herbs to cure their many maladies instead of going to a doctor who will prescribe man-made medicines. These individuals claim that their treatments work just as good, if not better, than anything a doctor can prescribe. What's more, they are cheaper and they do no harm to the body. However, most supplements and herbs are sold without being evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Don't bother looking for quality studies to back the claims on the natural hair loss treatments because you probably won't find any. Just like some people benefit from the placebo in a drug study, you might get some results from these products. They may very well work, but most doctors would say that the effectiveness of these products is more the effect of placebo than their actual effectiveness on the human body. That is to say that doctors claim that it's mind over matter that cures you, not the herbs that you buy at your local health store. Are most natural hair loss treatment products similar in this regard? That's right, since they are not evaluated by the FDA and have not undergone any outside testing.
Although most claims are unsupported, there may be a natural hair loss treatment that will work for you. However, you need to consider your own individual hair loss. How and how fast you lose your hair can be very different from someone else. Some are further along than others and some lose it for different reasons. For example, for some their hair loss may be genetic, while others may have blow dried their hair too much and therefore damaged the roots or follicles.
However, by all means try these natural hair loss treatment products to determine if they do work for you. They are all natural, they are good for the environment and they are better for you than using foreign chemicals. If you decide to try one of these natural hair loss treatments, be sure to keep your expectations realistic.
If you are able to go through with the process with that mindset, you'll be better prepared if the products don't work for you. Just because these natural hair loss products don't work, however, doesn't mean another won't. Everyone's different. You just never know what will work for you.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Are Natural Hair Loss Treatments A Scam?
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Do You Know What Alopecia Areata Is?
Alopecia areata (AA) is a very important issue today to many. Commonly known as balding, this hair loss condition basically affects your scalp; however, there may also be instances when other hair-bearing parts of the human body are affected as well, and both males and females can experience this type of hairloss. This medical concern is actually not similar to male-pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, since the latter is a rather common condition caused by environmental and genetic factors.
Hair loss baldness is directly connected to the immune system and could lead to autoimmunity. When this happens, the immune system starts to attack specific tissues in the human body. For unknown reasons, AA occurs once the immune system of the human body attack the hair follicles, leading to the disruption of normal, healthy hair growth. There are different patterns associated with this problem, and the most common is spot balding. Alopecia totalis, on the other hand, is when the hair over the entire scalp is lost, while alopecia universalis is the name of the condition for the total loss of body hair.
Children, young adults or teenagers are normally the ones who are prone to suffering with alopecia areata. However, toddlers can also have this condition. Balding is actually not similar with AA. When hair is lost excessively, this may be due to discontinuations of progesterone or hormonal estrogen therapy. Or this can happen right after pregnancy. With AA, hair loss will occur in round spots anywhere on the scalp and although many people suffer from affliction, most will significantly re-grow their hair within a year, minus treatments. Others still will need to use shampoos, such as fluocnonide or clobetasol, steroid injections or creams. Minoxidil and cyclosporine can also help a lot.
Alopecia areata should be properly dealt with as there are a growing number of people suffering from thinning hair. There are different medications and treatments available today for your hair loss problems. Discuss your issue with your dermatologist so you will understand more about hair loss causes.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
No more baldness
Hair loss is a serious problem among people across the world. As you age , a number of hormonal changes occur in the body. Your hair becomes tender and the shedding rate is greater than the hair growth rate. Hair loss is also related to hereditary problems. When your family members have baldness trouble , then there are high chances that you will also suffer from baldness. Though baldness is not common in women, many women don’t like to expose their scalps to the outside world. Provillus hair treatment is a revolutionary treatment for hair loss that has greater success rate.
Hair loss patterns and causes differ for men and women. It is not possible for the same product to work for all men and women. In the case of men, hair loss is mainly caused by dihydrotestosterone hormone. The radical product Provillus blocks this hormone. Hence, regrowth is seen even in the bald areas. There is no harm for your general health with the use of Provillus product. In women, hair loss is greatly affected by the way they take care of their hair. Holding the hair tightly for long hours results in hair loss. Provillus for women is specifically designed to stop hair thinning in women.
When you select Provillus product, you should try the product for atleast three months. It is not possible to see the results after a few days. Hair loss problem can be solved only if measures are taken in the natural way. It will take some time for the product to strengthen hair follicles and improve hair growth. You can read Provillus treatment review to know how exactly the product works for men and women. If you use the product continuously for a few months, you can see good results. It is not impossible to say good bye to baldness with the suitable product. You can’t be too late to use Provillus because several people have benefited with this hair loss treatment.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Heck, It's Time For Me To Find A Hair Regrowth Treatment
Are you losing your hair? Are you miserable about it? If you are looking for a hair regrowth treatment, thankfully there are many available on the market today. The reasons you may need a Provillus hair regrowth treatment are as different as there are products. Men suffer different types of baldness and at different ages.Mid-life crisis time is usually when this problem becomes noticeable. If the problem begins at an early age, genetics may be a factor and the need for an immediate solution needs to be obtained before the situation gets worse.If you put this off, you will regret it. Doing nothing will mean that the problem will only worsen. Don't you owe it to yourself to see about this now?
Hormones in men can make hair follicles shrink which willl affect how the hair will grow. This is usually a hereditary tendency and many men have found Provillus to be an effective treatment if they use it consistently. The reason it is effective it that Provillus. Provillus helps block the production of DHT while at the same time gives nourishment to the hair follicles that you need for normal hair growth.
Make sure when you choose a product that the product is FDA approved and that it actually does what it claims which is to block the production of dehydrotesterones or DHT. Whichever product you decide to choose, you can expect more hair loss if you don't take action now. Imagine your new hair growth and how that will make you feel. It is definitely an option to consider. If the condition has gone past the point where you have tried everything, there are certainly medical procedures to consider as well. Just don't wait any longer to seek an effective Provillus hair regrowth treatment.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Hair Loss Can Happen To Both Sexes
If you have never been faced with losing your hair, you may not know how debilitating the feeling can be. Imagine constantly going out in public wondering if others are looking at your head, imagine having to wear hats and other head covers so that people don't see your receding hair line and bald spots, and imagine watching movies and TV with envy every time you see a movie star with a full head of glorious hair.
This is what people who are experiencing hair loss go through on a daily basis. There are many commercials on TV and there are products sold at your local stores that claim to be the cure all hair loss treatment that will help stop hair loss or they even claim to help you regrow your hair. You may not notice these commercials and products if you're not facing hair loss, but the people that are facing it certainly do notice them. Do these hair loss treatments work and, if they do, how much do they cost?
Both Sexes Suffer Hard From Hair Loss
If you're not facing hair loss, you can think that it's only a male problem. Women, after all, are blessed with never experiencing hair loss; right? That couldn't be further from the truth. Women all over the world face hair loss. They may have receding hair lines just like men or they may be losing their hair in splotches which leads to embarrassing bald spots. For men, from time to time it's trendy to shave all of your hair off to go bald. Some movie stars and good looking people are bald: Vin Diesel for example. However, for women, hair loss can be especially devastating. Women view long, luxurious hair as a sign of beauty and femininity. That's why women hair care products do so well in the market place. So if you think hair loss is only a male problem, you should think again.
If you're looking for hair loss products, you'll find creams, gels, pills, vitamins and more that claim to stop or cure hair loss. They have hair clubs, and hair hospitals that you can join that will help you regrow your hair so that you can once more look younger, healthier and so that you can feel better about yourself. Do these treatments work? Scientists are torn between two camps. Some claim that baldness is genetic and that there's not much you can do about it except to get hair plugs, get a toupee or have hair transplants. Others say these products can work and they do work and they have proof in actual human testing guinea pigs to prove it. However, it's sad that there are still many snake oil salesmen out there who will gladly take advantage of someone going through hair loss to make a few bucks. Some treatments may work but there are enough scams out there to give the entire industry a bad name.
If you're experiencing or facing hair loss, it's adviced that you do plenty of research before you spend a dime. You could go broke falling for scams, following false promises and hanging on to false hopes. However, you must realize that it's what's on the inside that counts and that hair loss is not the end of the world. You should learn to be happy with yourself the way you are right now. If you can accomplish that, you'll be a much happier person; even if you are a man or a woman losing your hair.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Is Your Hair Falling Out?
Truly, are you facing the question: "How can I stop my hair from falling out?Don't despair because there are now many ways and remedies to make you look super-great anyway. First, let's look at what may be causing this in your scalp.
Factors That May Influence Your Hair Growth
Let's first look at your gene pool. If your mother's father has problems with hair loss, then you may have inherited that gene as well.The best avenue is to visit a professional such as a doctor to talk about this problem. Go see your doctor and ask him for suggestions.
Take A Good Close Look At What You Are Eating
Many people do not realize that the saying "you are what you eat" is so very true. It even shows up in your hair follicles. Doctors can now perform lab tests to see what chemicals are in your body by examining strands of your hair. So, with that in mind, think about what you are putting in your body that may be causing some of this hair loss. For example, there are certain foods that affect your hair growth and most certainly a lack of daily fruits, vegetables and minerals will show up in strands of hair on your pillow or in your hairbrush.Sometimes nutrition alone can be a major problem.
Visit Your Doctor
Take some time and go to see your doctor. Don't automatically give in to the thought that you are going to lose your hair so there is nothing you can do about it! Wrong, so wrong! There are many ways to help this problem and some of it starts at your cellular level.Be careful not to give up and seek out a solution that might make it worse.
Stop My Hair From Falling Out
There are wonderful new hair products for hair loss coming out everyday. If you search on the internet, you will find many listed. Take your time and find the product that works best for your own scalp. If one doesn't work, try another. Don't get discouraged and quit. We are talking about the way you look here and that is very important to most people.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What Available Treatments That Can Assist To Restore Fallen Hair
Hair loss, no matter how undesirable, is inevitable and quite natural. There are many reasons why a person can lose hair but the problem is extremely common an untold millions of people are affected by it worldwide. If you loss your hair, the correct medical term for this occurrence is Alopecia. The most common type of hair loss in men is genetic; known as male pattern baldness, it affects close to 95 percent of males.
However, it may be that your diet needs attending to if your hair loss is only moderate. Other reasons are quite natural and you may be aware of a surrounding problem such as stress, mental tension or a hormonal imbalance, but others such as exposure to chemicals or cosmetics may not be so obvious. No matter what the reason, it is worth remembering that it is only if the hair follicles are damaged that can make the condition permanent. Most people believe that it is primarily men that suffer with the condition but women actually account for forty percent of sufferers in the USA alone.
The main difference between the sexes is that women will more than likely lose their hair later in life and it is often attributable to thyroid problems. By the age of sixty, four out of every ten women in the world will have experienced some loss. Some women also have a hair loss problem when they are pregnant; often lasting many months after the child is born. In the USA for example, around thirty million women suffer from female pattern hereditary baldness, something that is normally considered a male problem.
One of the most talkabout hair loss treatment is Provillus. Unlike other hair restoration products, you don't apply it on your scalp. It has special formulation that stimulate the naturally fill in bald spots, thinning hair, and receding hairlines. If you want to buy it, then read about it first at Provillus reviews.
A relatively new treatment is to surgically restore hair for sufferers of permanent hair loss. Healthy hair follicles are transplanted from one area of the scalp to an area where the hair follicles have died. The whole hair transplant procedure is carried out on an out-patient basis under local anesthetic and is becoming the most routinely used form of treatment for males. However, hair restoration is also not only for men any more, hair transplants for women are also achievable today and is a frequent choice of women who have scarring from previous surgery, notably from facelifts.
It is important to try and keep your appearance as close as possible to your original when having hair transplant therapy and not try to look like someone else. Health considerations should be taken into account and addressed before hair transplant treatment is carried out on anyone. Even though hair restoration is a cosmetic procedure, aspects involved are different from other forms of cosmetic surgeries. Although the field of hair restoration treatment continues to move forward with new discoveries, there is no guarantee that any will work for you. Thus, surgical hair transplants might be your only option to solving your hair loss problem.
Some of you may want to avoid hair transplant because of its cost. You can actually regrow hair naturally. Fix your hair problems with information that can be found at how to prevent hair loss for men blog.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Baldness Treatment
Hair loss is one common problem that many children, and adult men and women face today. But although many people panic when they think about balding and hair loss, it is important to realize that some hair loss is normal, as hair grows and dies and is replaced by new hair regrowth, although the ability of the body to replace the hair slows down as a person ages. Other than aging, there are other factors that contribute to hair loss. To counter and remedy the problem, people often resort to hair loss treatments.
Before hair loss and baldness can be treated, it is important to know the various hair loss causes. One is hormones. Among men, hair loss can be hereditary, brought about by hormones that cause shrinking of hair follicles. Among women, pregnancy and menopause can cause hair loss because of abnormal hormones during these periods. Another reason is stress. One of the most serious stress-induced hair loss conditions is called alopecia areata, which is the falling out of hair in patches. Certain medical conditions can also bring about baldness and the loss of hair. Intake of some medicines, chemotherapy sessions, high fever and surgery are among these. Plus, constant hair treatments, like bleaching and dyeing, as well as wearing tight ponytails and braids, can result in hair loss as well. Another important factor for having healthy hair is a healthy diet; eating essential fruits and vegetables can go a long way in promoting a head of long, beautiful hair.
Modern technology has made treatments for hair loss more widely available. From the more common creams and medicines to the more advance surgeries, people now have a lot of choices when it comes to treating baldness and hair loss. while medicines help hair growth when taken, Creams and lotions can grow hair back when applied to the scalp. One example is Minoxidil. Surgeries, on the other hand, are designed for those who have more serious problems or for those who want permanent results. They cost more but are really effective.
Hair loss cannot be avoided, but excessive hair loss can be prevented. The secret to healthy hair is living in good health. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle must be practiced, as well as by regularly shampooing and conditioning. Practice caution when applying anything to the hair and scalp. With these things in mind, preventing baldness and hair loss is easy.
For more information on Baldness and Hair Loss. Please visit: www.bestallergytreatment.com
Monday, December 1, 2008
Hair Loss In Men Or Women Can Be Cured
Irrespective of how you look at it, hair loss is hard to cope with. The genuine problem however, is that it can linked to larger or more extensive medical issues in many folks. If in your case it is a thinning scalp due to some underlying health issues or hereditary kicks up its hideous face, there's the feeling within to find out the simplest way to stop balding and return your hair to its glory days where you had a full head of hair you could flaunt to everyone.
Though, there are remedies to help with hair loss, it may not return the thickness and luster of the hair you formerly displayed. There are methods are out there to stop it before it gets any worse, but I don't know anything that will completely restore your long-lost head of hair.
Well the first and most critical step before you purchase anything or try anything is to speak with your doctor and have them diagnose whatever it is that may be causing the thinning. The rationale for doing this is that many cases of thinning hair are due to underlying health conditions. You need to find out if there is a certain medical problem that might be causing this.
By dealing with that problem, you can quickly and you can quickly and effectively stop balding and be on your way to better hair. Most men who took Propecia claimed that their bald spot got smaller, their alopecia slowed down, and the appearance of their hair improved. To work best, it needs to taken twice a day for many weeks. It is recounted though that it works better on people who are younger and have more recent hair loss.
There are products for both men and women who have alopecia. While the issue of hair loss is not as common in women, they may suffer from this problem due to hormonal changes. Menopausal girls are way more susceptible to losing hair at a faster rate than the others are.
However, hair loss among girls who are in mid-twenties and thirties has raised alarm. The very first thing you need to do is to visit a dermatologist to go through a scalp check-up. An imbalance in secretion of hormones like thyroid, testosterone and progesterone may cause an imbalance. And in some women, the issue of alopecia is spotted some months after you have had a baby.
You would have certainly come across the term "common baldness". It's a characteristic condition related to male-pattern hair-loss. This kind of baldness usually happens due to hereditary features. The hairline recedes with hair loss occurring on the top of the head. Female-pattern hair-loss is characterized by thinning of hair over the entire scalp.
Before creating treatment for your hair loss, you'll have to grasp the underlining cause behind it. If the issue has been caused due to hormonal imbalance or medicinal effect it can be corrected.
You can slow down development of hair loss by applying minoxidil (brand name : Rogaine ) on your scalp. There are also a variety of natural hair loss remedies available that you can check out.
Even if you don't find sufficient treatment for your hair loss, you may also think about hairpieces, wigs and hair weaves as substitutes.