Friday, January 9, 2009

Prevention For Hair Loss - A Point Of View

hair loss treatments

Hairloss is a problem that affects many people and most dread combing their hair. Most dread combing their hair because when they do, the comb is full of fallen strands. To stop the unpleasant prospect of further loss, they search out effective hair loss treatment programs. There are many authentic treatments available for hair loss, yet one treatment method may work for some while it may not work for others. There is no harm in trying the various herbal and home remedies.

There is no cure for baldness, yet understanding what causes the condition is important. Excess stress, lack of hair care, a dirty scalp, and the lack of nutritious foods can precipitate hair loss. As well, consuming excess amounts of caffeine, sugar, fats and carbonated drinks can cause hair loss. On the contrary, various forms of exercises that require the body to be bent forwards or backwards will also result in increased blood flow to the scalp, which will promote healthy hair and a healthy scalp. Consuming foods rich with essential nutrients will also promote healthy hair growth.

Why spend a lot of money for hair loss products when you can address the problem easily at home. The safest treatment to stop hair loss is perhaps the application of fenugreek paste. Soak fenugreek seeds in a vessel or pot. Let the seeds soak overnight. In the morning, take the water and apply it to the scalp. Wrap a cloth around the scalp for three hours and then shampoo it out. Continue this procedure daily for one month. The results will be visible. Fenugreek can cause colds in some people, so those who are easily susceptible should try other methods.

Another of the hair loss treatments involves smearing castor oil on the scalp and the hair roots; however, avoid applying castor oil to the hair, as the oil is very sticky and will cause it to get tangled into sticky knots. Do this before bedtime and wrap a cloth around your head to stop the oil from seeping into your hair and bedding. Wash your hair in the morning. This is good remedial measure for hair loss and should be performed once every week. The results should be visible within seven to ten weeks.

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