Sunday, January 25, 2009

What You Need To Know About Laser Hair Loss Treatment

Lasers seem to be the cure-all for many problems these days, from kidney stones to whitening your teeth.  Now, there is a lot of hoopla about using low-level laser light as a female or male hair loss treatment.  Is there some sound scientific reason for all of the press, or is this just another rip-off?

What Kind Of Baldness Do You Have

There are many reasons why you may be losing your hair.  Even sellers of laser hair loss treatment urge you to go to your doctor or dermatologist first before coming to them.You need to get an accurate diagnosis of why you have hair loss before you can know if laser hair loss treatment has any chance of helping you.  Keep in mind, too, that sudden hair loss (when it comes out in clumps) can be the symptom of a sickness that needs attending to right away.

Laser hair loss treatment is intended for those with male-pattern baldness (which can affect both men and women).  This is technically known as androgenic alopecia.  This is the normal baldness a lot of people get that is a result of how your genes tell your body what to do, rather than hair loss as a result from illness or chemotherapy.

What About Portable Devices?

There are very small portable electronic gadgets like the HairMax Laser Comb that is said to do all of the work of laser surgery with easy daily use.However, the results of these "laser combs" are mixed, at best.They were developed in Australia and are allowed for sale within the United Stats by the Federal Drug Administration, which hasn’t officially approved these devices as an effective laser hair loss treatment.

The Real Deal

It seems to be the best way to get laser hair loss treatments is not by trying to economize and do it yourself, but get a professional to do it for you.  Although this is a lot more expensive up front, over the long run it may cost less than prescription ointments or box after box of Minoxidil.

Laser hair loss treatment tries to get all of the circulation going again to your scalp, which in turn gets vital nutrients to your individual hair follicles.This is sometimes called "laser surgery", but you do not need to take anesthesia, any heavy pain-killing medicines, a round of antibiotics or an overnight hospital stay.  Still, it's not 100% effective for everyone with male-pattern baldness.

Go here for more about Stop Hair Loss and Hair Loss Remedy

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