Saturday, January 17, 2009

What Hair Loss Treatment Options Are Available?

hair loss treatment

Appearance and sex appeal is of the utmost importance these days, and it hinges largely on a person's head of healthy hair. This is truer of women than men but there are a large number of men who worry about their thinning and receding hairlines. Hair loss is more of a male problem, as females do not experience hair loss as severely as men do. A male with a head void of hair is somewhat common, yet on a woman it isn't. However, hair loss treatment options are available for both sexes if thinning hair is a problem.

Female pattern baldness and male pattern baldness are different in nature and hence require different approaches in hair loss treatments. Treatment for hair loss is designed for varying types of baldness. A good treatment will aim at activating the process of hair growth on the scalp through the application of oils and solutions. If the hair follicles responsible for hair growth do not function properly or are dead, then this could result in a completely bald head.

When the follicles of the hair are dead, a hair transplant is suggested as an effective hair loss treatment. Surgical restoration is a quick form of treatment method. Unlike the application of oil and solutions, this takes a few hours to have a relatively thicker head of hairs. As with all surgeries, surgical restorations have certain risks and individuals seeking such treatment for hair loss should speak with their doctor and/or surgeon about the risks before going ahead with the operation.

The scalp is like the skin of the body and it should be maintained properly. An oily and dirty scalp becomes the breeding ground for bacteria and fungus, which leads to dandruff, and dandruff precipitates hair loss. A good hair loss treatment will aim at maintaining a healthy scalp and activating the hair follicles that promote hair growth. Chemicals and injections to the scalp are also carried out to prevent hair loss and ensure regrowth. Herbal oils are applied to achieve this and they have fewer side effects than chemical preparations, like minoxidil. It has many side effects and users should be well informed.

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